Thursday, October 19, 2023

Combinatorics/Probabilities based on math for college(Математика, Богомолов, Самойленко, среднее профессиональное образование)




Collection of elements(in alg for example numbers)

Can be empty, singleton, finite and infinite sets

*inifinite set - for example, type of numbers(real, positive, etc…)


Collection of numbers with a specific order(for example progressions)

*infinite set also a sequence(for example arithmetic progression)


Product of all positive numbers

n! = n * (n-1) * (n-2) * (n-3) * … | while (n-x)>0

*for example 5! = 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 120

Elements of combinatorics

*possible actions with sets


From the set with n-length, it is possible to create new sets with rules - they have at least one different element, or order. Formula for calc all variations:

A(n m) = n*(n-1)*(n-2)*...(n-(m-1)) = n! / (n - m)!


Special cases of variations when m=n, creates sets with the same length but with different order:

P(n) = A(n m) = n!


Action of creating sets with at least one different element, the order do not have sense:

C(n m) = A(n m) / Pm = 1 / (n-m)!


Elements of probabilities


Result of some action. Results can be predicted.

Random event

An event can be successful(true,1)/failure(false,0)/etc…

Certain event

Event will be a successful

Impossible event
Event will be a failure

Incompatible events

For multiple events: if first event is true then second is false, otherwise also

Independent events

For multiple: if first event true then second can be true/false 

Opposite events

For multiple: they describe one event and incompatible

Theorem of the incompatible probabilities sum

Probability of one successful from incompatible events 


P(A1+A2+...Ak) = P(A1)+P(A2)+...+P(Ak)

Theorem of the independent probabilities sum


*P(AB) probability when they both successful


Theorem of the opposite probabilities sum


Theorem of the independent probabilities product

Probability when two successful from both



Theorem of the incompatible probabilities product

Conditional probability

Probability of second(A) after first(B) is successful P(A/B)


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