Asteroids and artificial satelites have own speed and motion, possible to use this system for planning long travels(bases, pit-stops)
Main fields of research while travelling: materials science, zero-gravity studies(also physical and chemical reaction with non-air space)
Knowledge of mathematical,physical,technical
Most critical obstacle - gravity
*Newton’s law of gravity
For escape need F(escape) > F(gravity)
*force of gravity of earth in theory will be in all points of the space(but sure very small if far)
Law of inertia with centrifugal force is important( objects in space moves in ellipses, circles) Event in the surface of the Earth we have centrifugal force
For every killogram of spaceship possible to calc needed energy and velocity for ascent
*All object have gravitational force for attraction - if spaceship can be like a black hole then space will move to spaceship, i mean spaceship not must moving ownself but what if space will be moving to the spaceship…
Planets built gravitational system, travelling possible to interpret like a moving from one gravitational object to another, system of gravitational systems
When we speak about the rocket ascent: great metaphor is it like a emitting when electron are returning to the orbit after photon bombing. I am not sure about it - but just funny.
If calc and physical solve system of equations with gravitational force and centrifugal force - while ascent, possible to achieve position of balance(“free orbit”)
Reactive force - main for moving(third newton’s law)
Greate example - fire gun, with mixing with air will working even in space, also fireworks
Formulas about efficiency of engine and ascent. Important because if we achieve great speed in the space, we will lost efficiency of reactive engine.
Two ways of ascent:
Horizontal and vertical
Generally speaking - rocket science near to ballistic and projectiles calcs
Tsiolkovski equation - for calc the lost of masses while ascent for keep efficiency
And thoughts about multiple units(stages)
Fuel can be - smokin powder, but primarily liquid hydrogen( but also alcohol and benzene)
For returning to the Eart force must be removed:
Counter force of breaking by the atmosphere
If use wings for landing possible slowly breaking while falling in cycled ellipse
*but must be caredull with centrifugal force
The space station is object in orbit in balance(do not fall to the Earth) - in Space Station possible to make experiments
Can be assembled in the orbit by multiply rocket launches
Human organism can live in non-gravity space. Only muscles need additional training, for avoid atrophy. Important note - innerear will be affected by the absence of gravity.
*inner ear functions is balance and sound detection
Negative psychological effects can be reduced by training in the Earth(centrifugs, etc)
*also important understand radiations, because in space we not have the air shield of the earth
Summary about space station:
We can use solar panels, and bring and store resources in the station.
Also possible to use station like a point for starting travel without ascent from the Earth
Most important parts of station: machinery room, living room and laboratory
Water can be like a system - cleared and also using for moving the heat
Heat can be getting from solar energy
And just thoughts:
“Alchemy” for getting new fuel and water(from accessible materials in farrest space) can give us opportunity for do not make a “big bag” for travelling. For completely separate from the earth, this scientific field is crucially important.
*growing plants in artificial environments also
**electricity in space not a problem - because solar energy
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