Understanding earth is sphere:
Shadow of the earth in the moon
Polar star - comparing near equator and far
Ships process of showing above horizon
Calculating the circumference of the earth:
*we take two places - first without shadow second with skew shadow, we take measure between places(L), and angle of second shadow(A) then calculate
A/360 = L/x
Understanding circles/ellipses moving of planets:
Nicholas Copernicus
*we wait when planet for observation will take a farrest place from the sun - this position gets us opportunity to calculate: line(main line) from earth to planet of observation is tangent of circle trajectory of this planet around the sun, angle between this line and sun is 90. We know angle between main line and line from earth to sun(main angle), and we can calculate length of main line with sin of main angle * length from earth to the sun(for example 1)
Understanding galaxy not a limit and other galaxies also exist:
"Edwin Hubble in Mount Wilson Observatory made observations, prove that the Universe extends beyond the Milky Way galaxy, universe is expanding."wiki
*observation of size and brightness
Looking to the spectrum in prism of lights of stars, measure of wavelengths, Doppler effect, light speed - difference of measure Io cycles around Jupiter by Romer with relating to the earth far/near position
Categorizing and cataloging - Hubble, Herschel bring to us form of galaxies and proof of expanding universe
Understanding how to calculate gravity
Galileo experiments with tower and “hammer and feather” experiment on the moon by a team of Apollo 11 - proof that all objects have the same acceleration, it depends on gravity force.
Newton’s universal law of gravity forces - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_gravitational_theory
*with calculus of masses of earth and moon he calculated gravitational constant and law
Researching principles of Universe
Friedman assumption of expanding/contracting(model)
Dark matter concept - failure while calculate gravity and masses of objects in galaxies, proposal of dark matter
Black holes - object with such powerful gravity when even a light can not escape
*also some stars turns to black holes(singularity - may be same like a contracting model of Friedman)
Two basics theories for cosmology:
Theory of relativity:
Method 1:
History understanding
1a)example when two observators see one action but on the different distance from action
1b)galileo: "ship travelling at constant velocity, without rocking, on a smooth sea; any observer below the deck would not be able to tell whether the ship was moving or stationary"wiki
Newtons Laws:
21)when we in "stable" position we need force(F) for starting moving(overcoming inertion)
**Inertia is a word we use when we talk about matter and movement:
1. An object at rest tends to stay at rest.
2. An object in motion tends to stay in motion.
22)F = ma
23)F = -F
Michelson interferometer experiment - destroy theory about ether for light(like a air for sound)
universe extends but not have a ether(as i understand either must have a direction of extending of universe)
we can buid Michelson interferometer - with half mirror(45o) the start light splits to two beams and go through distance to the mirror and back to the detector(by perpendicular mirror to finish),
undependent from positions/rotations we got same results(splitted beams have a same time, light not lost speed through hypothetical ether expanding direction)
*Einstein - speed of light is constant in vacuum(also proof of not existing ether)
two theories of relativity:
41)special relativity
*speed is constant in all situations nothin not can be more then speed of light, changes only distance and time
**when object moves with speed of light, actions for object what object make in this moving system stay the same,
but in these moving system all actions going through much more distances with constant speed of light,
=> distances of actions become larger but speed stil same, time for observator from "non-moving" system are moving more slow
(proof: experiment conducted by physicist Joseph C. Hafele and astronomer Richard E. Keating. Taking with four atomic clocks and airplane)
42)general relativity
*mass warps space, objects move through different distance in same time //this is feeling of time
**when you near to gravitational object you have more speed - you moving "faster", but in general you move in warpen space with more distance and have same "time" when you move less distance without gravitational object
Method 2:
Understanding special relativity
Frame of reference - Point of view
Light travel not regardless from Frames
Time diliation - time slows down when object is moving
E = mc^2 it is dependency in situatuions when we near to light speed, when we have a mass we need energy,
also this impossible moves with speed of light while you have a mass, and when you spend more energy you get more mass
Method 3:
1)Acceleration a = deltaV/deltaT
2)gravitational F1 = F2 = (G*(m1*m2))/r^2
Method 4:
1)satelites have a time shifting
2)electrons absorb light, and must have speed to not to be absorbed by nuclear
3)change of temperature - change speed of moleculs(mercury - liquid/non-liquid)
4)solar power:
"When photons, or particles of light, hit the thin layer of silicon on the top of a solar panel, they knock electrons off the silicon atoms." (photoelectric effect)
electron - "quanta of electricity"
photon - quant of nuclear, photon may be a wave and a participle, photons it is result of working elctromagnetic force in light
quant - is minimum amout of entity
quantum nature - quant is a wave and participle
Quantum theory:
Franck–Hertz experiment - tube with cathode and anode but between mercure,
electrons with with rising speed - are have drops in current (lost and reise through mercure with wave form),
it is showin quantitive nature of atom.
Max Planck:
"that radiation from a glowing body changes in color from red, to orange, and, finally, to blue as its temperature rises."
*change of temperature(kinetic energy of atoms) -> changing electromagnetic wave
Albert Einstein: proposed photon theories
Double-split experiment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_uBaBuarEM
*when light beam is meeting something - produced light behave like a wave
*not only light like a wave/participle
first things first: radiation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation
"radiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves"wiki
-electromagnetic radiation:
--radiovawes(longest waves in electromagnetic spectrum) <300GHz
---it about moving nuclear in electrons field with frequency https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_jYXQFjCmA
---*change polarity,AC, with frequency possible borns waves in just a wire
---Hertz experiment with spark generator(antenna) and receiver, just ring with("u" form), ring got electricity through distance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gDFll6Ge7g&feature=youtu.be
---https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWCN_uI5ygY about dipole antenna and with Hertz expirement(visualizations)
---"radio waves in a vacuum travel at the speed of light, and in the Earth's atmosphere at a close, but slightly lower speed."wiki
--microwaves,infrared - ~same as a radiovawes, but more shortless
--visible light 750–420 terahertz
*color is absorption and reflection of photons with atoms(absorb and emmit(re-emmit))
*understanding of color is getting different re-emmited waves with different wavelengths
-Fire, Gas lighting, Oil Lamp
--burning of oil,gas,wood,etc
--*(combustion) - chemical reaction of fuel with usually oxygen
--usually two methods for fire starting :
-- rubbing:
-- matches: it is same like Sodium and Potasium with air, when you rob some materials - molecules starting interact with oxygen(they heating and change state, preparing to reaction)
-- wood friction rubbing - just heating when rubbing
-- *atom level of consumption https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_bond
-- ** if be short dicharge between atoms when materials interact
-- spark - discharge of voltage potential through air
-- *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_spark
-- **speed of electrons near to light(heat is side effect of regular electricity)
-- ***heat in electricity https://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/vss/docs/thermal/3-why-does-electrical-current-make-heat.html
-- ****in conductors not all electrons provide electricity, others convert they energy to heat
-Incandescent light bulb
-*conductor(string) heating and lighting in low air(vacuum or inert gas) bulb under electricity
-Light-emitting diode
-*it is about different silicons(semiconductors) and the diod(two different layers of silicon), when electrons move from first to second layer - second layer lighting and heating
--**mark: for diod and transistor experiments N - can gets (-) and conduct them
-*also focused light in gas tube, with amplifying
--Plasma lamp, tv Neon and argon lamps
--same cathod anod cubes but with different substances, in plasma it is plasma
--*plasma - 4 state, gas under heated transform to plasma
-:) It is very interesting, but i think i not can google it now, maybe i can it, it is in public, but let's leave it until better times
in common from:
-chemical energy, such as nitroglycerin or grain dust
-pressurized gas, such as a gas cylinder, aerosol can, or BLEVE
-nuclear energy, such as in the fissile isotopes uranium-235 and plutonium-239
-Nuclear reaction, Sun(thermonuclear)
*most interesting in it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernova
** thermonuclear + gravitational collapse, not sure about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzaYNOKK6Xk , maybe also in future i will understand it)
-Chemiluminescense, Glowworm & Anglerfish(Bioluminescence)
-luminiscense with chemical reaction, result of changing levels of electrons
-in chemistry - exist method for calculating electrons configurations(with table), the energy levels(shells), and they have observations of reactions and it is possible to predict glowing
-simple example phosphor - when getting light(electrons moving far from nuclear)(charging), then they slowly return to them positions and it is glowing effect(emits photons)
-particle radiation
-some elements have a isotopes(same element but with different configuration of nuclear) these isotopes can be unstable, and unstable isotopes can emmit particles:
--*2 neutrons & 2 protons, stops with paper
--*electrons(also positrons - from antimatter theory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positron ), stops with metall plate
--*shortest electromagnetic waves above 30 exahertz, absorb with metall(depth)
-acoustic radiation
-*mechanical vibration through mediums